My Story

Read my full story

Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine – Ain Shams University, holder of a Professional Diploma in Clinical Nutrition with over 17 years of experience in the field.

I’m a teacher of Behavioral Change Science for doctors, clinicians & nutritionists; I used to be a lecturer at the National Nutrition Institute, Currently present on the Scientific Board of the Egyptian Functional Medicine Association (EFMA), as well as being a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM).

I developed the first ICF accredited Health Coaching program in Egypt & the MENA region. With 1000+ Hours of Lectures And Talks About Nutritional Medicine, Behavioral Change, and Health & Wellness. Graduating over 100 Certified Health Coaches in the Region.

If you want to know more about me, check My Story.


Online courses & workshops covering a variety of health, nutrition and mental well being topics.

There’s no better way to show care for your team than to offer them knowledge and support.

Did you know …… ?

6 in 10 adults have at least 1 chronic disease.

4 in every 10 adults have 2 chronic diseases according to the CDC (Center of Disease Control and prevention).

7 out of 10 deaths all over the world are caused by chronic diseases.

Lifestyle modifications can prevent 80% of chronic diseases.

Lifestyle modifications can prevent 40% of cancer cases.

Only 3% of the population are aware of the importance of lifestyle.

According to the American Psychology association; 40% of Adults overeat due to emotional reasons.

57% of Overweight adults are due to EE (Emotional Eating).

84% of the cases Diets don’t work!

Now that you know, how are you going to manage this?



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